Are you just sitting on your thoughts?

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You Vs Your Tasks..!

What’s the single most important question I ask before doing any task?

Well, the answer for this has four different perspectives.

One. Spiritual
Two. Financial
Three. Knowledge
Four. Relationships.

Before I do any task, I pause myself that is – I pause my brain.

& ask these questions which has four different perspectives.

Spiritual Perspective :

Is this task helping me get closer to RadhaKrishnji or not?

If yes, proceed. Else you know the answer.

Financial Perspective :

Is this helping me fill my pocket with my honest work or not?

If yes, proceed. Else drop.

Knowledge Perspective :

Is this helping me fill my brain with some awesome knowledge or not?

If yes, great. Else take it easy.

Relationship Perspective :

Is this helping me make my relationships stronger or not?

If yes, Superb! Else Tata – Bye Bye!

If you ask about the task of writing this post, how it is helping me & You.

Building relationship with You – Wholeheartedly connecting with you all 💞

Please follow me Sandish Singh for more such insights.